Fraudulent calls alert

Protect your personal information

It seems that our telephones ring more often these days with robocalls and other fraudulent calls. The scam callers use what look like local and legitimate telephone numbers and claim to be from Medicare, the IRS, your bank, a health care company offering insurance, or your health care provider. These callers ask for personal information, credit card numbers or social security numbers, or some type of payment.
Hawthorn Medical wants their patients to be aware that there are times when we will call you to confirm information:

Pre-registration Calls

Staff will ask you for your date of birth, information about your health insurance plan, and demographic information like your address and telephone number.

Billing Department/Payment Calls

Our Billing staff call patients when there is an unpaid balance. They will ask for payment or offer to set up a payment plan. .

HMA will never ask patients to confirm their social security numbers (including the last 4.) , ask for your banking information/account numbers, or require payment in a manner that is suspicious such as a prepaid credit card.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website has more information as part of their Guard Your Card campaign.